Upcoming Workshops & Events


June 7-9, 2024 – Maryville, TN

Clear Tai Chi International Gathering

Come together for a great week-end of fun & learning at Clear Tai Chi’s National Headquarters in Maryville TN!

You’ll get 3 Days of high quality Tai Chi instruction from Sigung Richard Clear and his top students!

Once Registered- you can attend as many of the events as you want all weekend long!

Sigung Clear has dedicated himself to sharing the indoor, rarely seen skills of Tai Chi Chuan with everyone!

Our organization is growing with skilled and licensed instructors all over the world.

During the Clear Tai Chi -International Gathering, you can see many of the instructors in one place, and learn directly from them and other long term Clear Tai Chi students!

Workshop Details: https://www.taichigathering.com

August 21-25, 2024 – Maryville, TN

Clear Internal Push Hands – Level 1 Workshop

5 days of in-depth, LIVE training in Qi development and internal skill.
Topics Covered Include:

  • Feel & capitalize on your opponent’s tension, structure, and balance errors
  • Build internal energy with alignment and root
  • Yi training to target inside the body.
  • Sink the Qi by dissolving
  • Find sung with the energy, breath, mind & body.
  • Feeling inside the body (yours and theirs).
  • Belly breathing & whole body breathing.
  • … and so much more

Workshop Details: https://clearpushhands1.com

September 25-29, 2024 – Verona, NJ

Clear Internal Push Hands – Level 2 Workshop

5 days of in-depth, LIVE training in Qi development and internal skill.
Topics Covered Include:

  • Heaven, Man & Earth from the Tai Chi Classics
  • ​Internal Iron Body & Palm / Steel Wrapped in Cotton
  • Yi –Mind Focus including training & strengthening Yi
  • Peng, Lu, Ji and Ahn in action
  • Poison hands & Dim Mak to opponents
  • Ting – Sensitivity: IMHO, this is the most important item in the program!
  • ​Jin(s) -Waving & Spiraling, Coiling, Magnetic & Electric Etc Etc Etc
  • … and so much more

Workshop Details: https://clearpushhands2.com

November 22-24, 2024 – Maryville, TN

Chi Energy Healing Certification Workshop

In our Chi Kung Energy Healing workshop you will learn Absorbing, Building, Emitting, & Healing with Chi. By the end, you will be able to use these methods to heal someone without even having to touch them. Training includes sensing, interpreting, balancing, and healing specific injuries & illness with Chi. You do not need to take the Advanced Healing Workshop to take the Chi Kung Energy Healing Workshop.

In our Advanced Healing Workshop – Topics To Be Announced. This is an advanced Fa Kung module. You must take the Chi Kung Energy Healing Workshop to sign up for the Advanced Healing Workshop.

Workshop Details: https://chihealingworkshop.com