Sung, Peng, Lu, Ji, An

Sung, Peng, Lu, Ji and An are considered to be primary physical jig energies in Tai Chi Chuan. Sung Jin Tai Chi is one of the more deadly self defense methods out there. Softness is one of the … [Read more...]

13 Kinetic Postures of Tai Chi

The 13 Kinetic Postures of Tai Chi are the same 13 Tai Chi energies that I wrote about in the previous post on the 13 postures of Tai Chi. As I wrote in that post on the 13 postures the main thing to … [Read more...]

13 Postures

Many Tai Chi Masters consider the 13 Postures or energies of Tai Chi to be the essence of the art.  The 13 Postures are most often what you see written about in the Tai Chi classics when a particular … [Read more...]